Looking Up Milk Records
STEP 1: Go to CDCB Website by following this link:
Make sure the "Goat" option button is selected, then click the down arrow for the drop down box and select "Partial Full Name"
That will bring up this option to enter in the goat's name:
Enter the goat's name using herd name. You can enter a partial name, like in this example "Better Wayz Isab" would have returned the same thing.
Click "Run Query"
That will bring up this screen:
Click on the "Lactations" tab to bring up that goat's milk records.
That will bring up this screen:
Scroll down to the doe's lactations on record. Only years she has been tested will be shown. You can hit the arrow I have circled
in the screenshot to expand or contract that year's worth of milk records. For this doe, the lactation record we are looking at is her
6th lacation on record.
Explanation of the top coloumns left to right:
Lact - This is her 6th lacation on record
Birth/Fresh Date - She freshened on 2-20-2024
DIM - at the time of this screenshot, her most recent test was at 89 DIM (days in milk)
Herd - this is a unique herd code given to each individual herd. So if the doe was tested in a different herd one year, you will see a different herd code listed for that lactation
Ctrl No - Also called Index ID, its a unique number within the herd for that particular doe.
Proc Date - The date the most recent record was added.
Mod Date - The date the most recent updated was made.
DRPC - The code of the Dairy Records Processing Center (DRCP) being used for processing the milk test records.
Explanation of the Milk data columns & rows left to right:
Milk, Fat, Protein and SCS:
"Standard" is the amount the doe has made so far this lacation.
"DCR" stands for data collection rating. This is a rating for how reliable the data is.
"Actual" is the projected amounts for 305 days. This can be wildly inaccurate and gets a little more reliable the longer they are in milk.
Moving over to the next section:
Test No - The rows are each test that lactation (test #1, test #2, test #3). For this record there are only 3 tests so far, but if you look at other lacations
on this doe's record you would see more.
DIM - This stands for Days In Milk. It is the number of days the doe was in milk for that particular test.
Milk - That is the amount of milk in pounds the doe produced on that test day.
Fat% - The percentage of fat the doe produced on that test day.
Pro% (not shown on screenshot) - The percentage of protein the doe produced on that test day.
SCS (not shown on screenshot) - The does SCS (somatic cell score) that test day
Once you have finished looking at that doe's record and would like to look at another doe's record, scroll to the top of the page and click the search button:
That will bring you back to the same screen in Step 1. :)
Have fun!
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I live on the side of a mountain with 65
goats and 4 dogs. I make 100% of my living from my homestead. My
purpose is to "Inspire,
Encourage & Empower". Read more about my story here.... |