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Low Cost CIP System Hack

If you use a milk machine and want an easy way to keep your lines clean but can't afford the crazy expensive CIP (clean in place) systems that recirculate your detergent through the lines to clean them, here is my $25 hack to do the same darn thing. Use a chlorinated dairy detergent and let it circulate at least 2 minutes to completely sanitize.

If you try it and like it the only "upgrade" I suggest is to wire an outlet to a switch. Makes it nicer to use :)

Here is a link to the pump, which comes with different fittings that will fit your milk line and your vacuum lines. Recirculation Pump. If the link is no longer working, look for something with around 850+ GPH (gallons per hour) rating. The more power the better the cleaning power. :)

Here is my video on how it works:

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I live on the side of a mountain with 65 goats and 4 dogs. I make 100% of my living from my homestead. My purpose is to "Inspire, Encourage & Empower".
Read more about my story here....

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